Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Fire Brigade

This means Feuerwehr in German. I left home last Saturday afternoon and noticed lots of people and loud music at the end of my street. I wondered what was happening. I walked there to discover lots of people, many were young families with children, enjoying a 'Fest' = a festival or party in English.

It was the local Fire Brigade Festival when they open the doors to the public. In the photo you can see a nice old redbrick building. This is my local fire station. Behind it is a large green, garden area and once a year there is a party.

Lots of music, some live, lots of stalls selling mainly food and drinks and play areas for children. There were also demonstrations by firemen/women to show the public how they work. They are held in great respect in Berlin for we all know how we depend on them when we need their help.

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