Tuesday, October 31, 2017

November 2017 Things

Today is a public holiday in Germany. It is to mark Reformationstag 500 years ago. Maybe you know that a man called Herr Luther wrote 'Ninety-five Theses' and sent them to the Archbishop of Mainz. Some historians say he also nailed them to the door of a church, but other historians deny this. He paid a price. He was excommunicated from the Catholic Church in 1521. And so the split leading to the founding of protestant churches.

Another event on this day in 1984. Indira Gandhi was assassinated by two of her Sikh bodyguards. This sparked anti-Sikh riots throughout India. I was living in Delhi at the time. I saw some of these riots and attacks on Sikh temples, properties and people. A very sad time.

It's very quiet in my area. I think most of my neighbours are at home and having a post lunch doze! Well, the weather is not the best. It is cold and rather gray. Compare to this photo. I took it yesterday evening from my balcony. Amazing orange clouds. Not often we see this in Berlin.

I'm having a discussion at the moment about why Germans do not use the Simple Past Tense. They use Present Perfect instead. For example: Yesterday I have gone shopping/Yesterday I have eaten fish for lunch. I Googled the question and got thousands of links. I read about 20 but got no explanation - only grammar rules. When and why did they stop using the tense? Any ideas?

Who has a birthday in November?
Daniel starts us off with his 21st on the 2nd. He is coming for a lesson next day and wants to try the brew I brought from Beijing a few years ago. Its a special birthday so I shall take a photo of him sampling the brew. Jeff in Amsterdam will be 62 on the 19th. Sarah C. in London will be 57 on the 22nd. Stephen S. in Berlin will have a party on the 28th to celebrate his 60th. I shall be there.
Happy Birthday to all and each no matter where you are!


Thorsten said...

I remember my teacher of Latin language saying: „Der Deutsche liebt das Perfekt nicht. Der Lateiner liebt das Perfekt.“ (Germans don't love the present perfect form, Latin speakers (i.e. ancient romans ;) ), love it). Well, my teacher said this 30 years ago.
I'm a philologist and reflecting on my own nowadays speaking and writing, it seams, I'm becoming an ancient roman for I start to use the present perfect more. But blame it to my age (still 48), I still prefer the simple past form. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Thorsten for this comment.

Very informative BUT you did not say why and when the Germans stopped using the Simple Past Tense Z.B. Ich ging, Ich trank instead of the present perfect tense - Ich bin gegangen, I habe getrunken.

I'm sure we'll talk about this in our Monday meetings after your return from Sweden. Have a nice holiday - John
Comments from other German native speakers would be welcome!