Sunday, April 05, 2015

More eating

In this part of the world it is Easter weekend and that means a lot of eating and drinking. I didn't get my teeth into a pork pie but I have had some tasty meals with nice people.I also got some Easter cards. Here is a colourful one from Ilonka and Sandor. Thanks to all who sent me one.

Since chocolate and sugar arrived in the European diet they form an important part of eating to celebrate holiday weekends such as this one. Think of all the chocolate Easter eggs that have been eaten, sweet hot-cross-buns and cake with lots of marzipan and icing.

For me it all started on Friday when I had a visitor who wanted to show me a DVD he had made when he and his wife recently went on a cruise including Bombay and Goa. We started with coffee and fruit cake. We happily chomped away as we saw the sights of what is now called Mumbai.

Yesterday was 'Brunch' with Johanna and the Müller Gang. Here you can see part of the table which when I arrived was covered in lots of tasty dishes. It was our first meeting since my return from Ozland so there were many questions about my time there.

This morning I went for 'Brunch' to Marita's flat and as usual it lasted for hours with lots of interesting conversation. She is going to move into a flat in the new building opposite where I live so we really will be neighbours then.

Tomorrow I have been invited to lunch to celebrate an 80th birthday. I know there will be lots of food and the glass will be continually filled :-)  Hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend - and yes, you may have another helping of food and another glass of wine with it! 

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