Sunday, January 19, 2014


More eating and drinking Alan, as warned in my last post! I went to the ELTABB language teachers' association event yesterday evening. Really nice to see old faces again and the chance to meet new members and chat.

The atmosphere was better than the food. One can safely say it was forgettable. Here is a pic of what I did NOT eat. Most of it went back to the kitchen and hopefully the rubbish bin. Perhaps I picked the wrong dish, but a few others were also not happy with the food they ordered.

I little bird told me the Board Meeting that afternoon had decided to offer me Honorary Membership so I could attend events and workshops. The AGM has to decide on this rule change so I hope to be able to report positively in early March.

Marcel is on his way as I type. He wants to see a documentary about maths and engineering that I found in my cellar! Plus, talk about a number of logic and philosophy points in his book. I have already made notes. After that, he may cook the evening meal. It will certainly be better than the one yesterday evening!

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