Saturday, March 23, 2013

Eating Again

Yesterday was a nice day centred on eating :-)  It started with Kerstin's 'Training for Oldies' session, as each Friday morning. After training, sauna, shower, relaxing, we left for a short walk to a restaurant It advertised itself as a 'Singapore Indian' restaurant. Mmmmh...I was suspicious!

We entered what was an old 'Kneipe' (traditional pub) and a long table was set for 13 guests. The service was good, the food tasty and the prices acceptable. I noticed the menu was an interesting mixture of Indian and Chinese dishes. I still miss the kinds of food I could buy/eat when I lived in north India. I couldn't get them in this restaurant. Like others, it is designed for Berliner tastes!

Back home I rested and did a number of things before getting ready to go to Johanna's flat. I have talked about her before and how we meet up every few months for nice meals, drinks and conversation. Other 'Oldies' were present and I really enjoyed catching up on news and events since our last meeting.

After the meal, I gave Johanna a present as thanks for her hospitality. She was surprised. I gave her a CD. It was of Kathleen Ferrier singing Bach and Handel at a "historic performance" on 7/8th October 1952. Within six months she was dead.  The recording was "recreated in stereo" on 19 February 1960. I think all Kathleen Ferrier fans have a copy of this re-working.

I asked Johanna to listen to one song to see if she liked it. She put it into her CD player and I watched the faces of all present. No-one made a sound as the orchestra played the introductory notes leading to the smooth entry of her voice. Within seconds I saw expressions of surprise and pleasure on the faces of my hostess and fellow guests. I had made the right choice!

They asked me questions about her and wanted to hear more. I answered their questions and was very happy that I had made the right musical choice to end our pleasant evening.  I'm looking forward to our next meeting and exchanging news about what each has done in spring.


Anonymous said...

Hi John,

I couldn't agree more with you:
"I still miss the kinds of food I could buy/eat when I lived in north India. I couldn't get them in this restaurant. Like others, it is designed for Berliner tastes!"

What is served here is definitely not the real McCoy and certainly doesn't tickle the taste buds of "Old China hands" and "Old India hands" as it were. Oh well, these Asian restaurants simply cater to the German palate to make money. All we can do is hop over to the UK for some good Indian food. Or better still - return to Asia for good!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Marga - you hit the nail right on the head.
Return to India for good is not possible. That was clear on health grounds many years ago.
Settling for Berlin instead is not a bad option. Keep smiling - John

Anonymous said...

Don't I know John ... Getting older is nothing for cowards.
Having said that, Tusch and cheers to us sixty somethings, born in
194*, still going strong :-) !!!