Friday, December 21, 2012

Party Time

On Wednesday I went to my Keep-Fit-Group, but not for training. Yes, you have guessed right. It was for an eating and drinking session.

We called it our Christmas Party. I arrived a little late so joined the rest in the munching and sipping session. Very tasty and all of it homemade.

Lots of interesting discussion and topics as the food was eaten and the sekt was sipped! As usual there was something that I just couldn't eat.

You can see a photo of the table as I arrived and you can see what I can't eat. The Gang always ask me if I want to eat this and as usual I answer with, "No, I am not a cannibal!".

It is a delicacy in the north of Germany. It is called 'Hackepeter' and is raw, minced meat eaten with onions on bread or rolls. Yuk! Thank goodness there were lots of salads, fruit and other healthy food.

I took some photos of Kerstin, who leads our group and tries to keep us fit and agile. Here is the best one of her. Very nice! Now for a break, try not to eat too much and add kilos before I return to training with Kerstin and the gang in the New Year.

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