Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Werneuchen Kunst

It was freezing at Werneuchen. Temperature of  -8°C, but with blue sky and bright sun. I only took my leather gloves. I forgot to take my warm skiing gloves. A BIG mistake!

We got to the family property with a bungalow for Silke's parents, one caravan for her brother, and another caravan for Silke. Nice - and all set in a garden. There were also lots of bicycles. After getting the gas heating in the caravan to work, we had some welcome hot tea before mounting the bicycles and heading for the airport, with cameras in our rucksacks - of course!

Silke showed me this huge lens she had recently bought and only used a few times. She wanted to practice with it and compare to the other (two !) lenses she has :-)  I just looked and listened with opening mouth! As we cycled to the airport I noticed that I was losing feeling in my fingers. My toes were also numb, but I didn't need them to operate my camera!

Silka had warm skiing gloves so was relatively okay. When we got to our goal, I could not feel anything in my fingers and operate my camera. I gave it to Silka and asked her to take photos while I learned by watching what she did for each shot. It worked and I learned more, but it would have been better if I had not got frozen fingers and been able to do it myself!

Here are some of the photos she took. I have not cut, or played around with them in any way. I have only reduced them so the servers for my blog could handle the size and upload them. I think the quality of the image speaks for itself. She is able to see the finished product before she presses the button.

As you can see others have been to the deserted hangers and other buildings, including sprayers. Some of their work I found good, interesting and even humerous. I usually find most images to be infantile or plain rubbish.  I particularly like the shot of me leaning on the chairs. Look at the shadows and lines in relation to me and the chairs. Nice work, Silka!

1 comment:

Silke said...

Do´nt forget, Werneuchen is near to Sibiria than Berlin.