Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The terrible twins

I had a meal with Max and Joachim

Yes, time to catch up with news, particularly hear about Max and Jana's time in London. They were snowed in and called me so I managed to get help to them via Ian and Birgit. Apart from the inconvenience of cancelled flights, they had a very interesting time there and really liked the inner areas of the city.

Joachim was on holiday for a week so we planned our evening to fit with this. Normally it is almost impossible to pin him down for a meeting. Works long and hard heading a department at one of the countries largest electrical suppliers and Max earns his crust working as a grafik designer.

I met them both a few years ago when I helped on a book project at a local library and they worked in the computer section helping customers. They were also applying for lots of jobs, which I encouraged, and they were known as The Terrible Twins!

They succeeded in getting good jobs and settled down with their respective partners. Even thought they are busy, we still find time to meet up a few times a year to exchange stories. Max is the one wearing glasses and the meeting was as always (to please him) in an Italian restaurant.

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